Ask the Expert: LARPing

LARPing Kim Wright
Approx read: 4 mins

Beyond battles and costumes

Inside the world of Live Action Role Playing with James Appleton

Forget sun-drenched beaches and bustling tourist hotspots. For James Appleton, vacations take on a different form – an immersive journey into the vibrant tapestry of history, myth, and imagination known as LARPing (Live Action Role Playing). This isn’t just a game; it’s a full-blown portal to another dimension, where pixels and passivity are replaced by the clang of steel, the roar of mythical beasts, and the beating heart of a chosen faction.  

James, a history scholar whose mind dances with tales of Arthurian knights and medieval battles, isn’t drawn to the dusty shelves of academia. He craves the tangible experience, the adrenaline rush of combat, and the bonds forged in shared adventures. Unlike the limitations of online games or the detached observation of movies, LARPing shatters the barriers of imagination. Here, he doesn’t just imagine the weight of a sword; he feels it in his hand. He doesn’t just hear the cries of monstrous hordes; their assault shakes the very ground beneath him, and the glint of determination in his fellow adventurers isn’t just a visual cue; it’s a shared spark that ignites their collective spirit.


But LARPing isn’t just about individual quests and epic battles. It thrives on the very thing that makes humanity unique: community. James describes it as a powerful connection, forged in the crucible of shared experiences, epic narratives, and the exhilarating thrill of overcoming challenges together. Whether it’s seasoned veterans patiently guiding new players through the intricacies of their chosen faction or seasoned warriors strategizing against a common foe, the spirit of camaraderie permeates every aspect of the LARPing experience. 

Shared values

This sense of belonging and purpose goes beyond mere camaraderie. As a proud member of the Lions of Albion, (a part of the Curious Pastimes LARP system), James delves into the Arthurian ideals of chivalry, duty, and honour. This shared cultural identity transcends individual differences, fostering a sense of belonging within the larger narrative. It’s not just about playing a character; it’s about becoming part of something bigger, a tapestry woven from shared values and aspirations. 

Personal growth

Though it offers a welcome respite from the mundane, LARPing isn’t just about escapism – it’s also an opportunity for personal exploration and growth. Climbing into the armour of a knight or donning robes as a senior councillor of The Lions allows James to push his limits, experiment with different aspects of his personality, and discover hidden strengths. Each scenario becomes a test of character, pushing him to overcome obstacles, make tough decisions, and hone his creativity and improvisational skills in the heat of the moment. It’s a chance to become all he thought possible, to tap into reserves of courage and resilience that lie dormant or underutilised in everyday life. 


The future of LARPing, as James sees it, is brimming with potential. As media awareness grows and dedicated organisations flourish, this unique blend of escapism, social interaction, and personal growth is poised to attract even wider audiences. Imagine, instead of scrolling through endless feeds of curated perfection, you could be forging friendships, embodying legends, and shaping your own epic story in a world beyond your wildest dreams. That’s the magic of LARPing, and it’s closer than you think. 

Step into LARP

However, the journey into this immersive world isn’t without its challenges. Finding the right faction, mastering the intricacies of LARP etiquette, and navigating the logistics of events can be daunting for newcomers. But James, with his infectious enthusiasm and deep understanding of the LARPing community, is a testament to the rewards that await those who take the plunge. Once those first few steps are taken onto the road of LARPing adventure, you are almost immediately met by a warm and welcoming community, eager to help you find your footing until you’re running alongside them towards the next battle. 


New challenges

James offers advice for those new to LARPing:

“Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. LARPing is all about trying new things, meeting new people, and discovering hidden parts of yourself. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about embracing the journey, learning from your mistakes, and growing along the way.” 

And grow it does. LARPing communities are vibrant ecosystems, constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs of their members. New factions emerge, inspired by diverse historical, literary, and mythological influences. Existing factions refine their narratives and traditions, ensuring a constant flow of fresh experiences and challenges. The world of LARPing is a living, breathing entity, shaped by the collective imagination of its participants. 

Applying LARP to the real world

But it’s not just about the internal growth of the community. LARPing has the potential to positively impact the world outside its boundaries. By fostering empathy, collaboration, and problem-solving skills, LARPing equips its participants with valuable tools that can be applied to everyday life. The sense of community and belonging cultivated within LARPing groups can serve as a model for building more inclusive and supportive societies. 

So, the next time you find yourself yearning for an adventure beyond the ordinary, consider stepping into the world of LARPing. It may not be a traditional vacation, but it’s a journey that promises to leave an indelible mark on your soul. Unlike souvenirs gathering dust on a shelf, the memories and (bonds) experiences you forge in the realms of LARPing will stay with you long after the final battle cry has faded. It’s a journey that awakens your inner hero, rekindles the lost art of imagination, and reminds you of the power of storytelling and community.  

It’s a vacation for the mind, body, and spirit, a chance to escape the ordinary and become the extraordinary version of yourself. So, pack your courage, embrace your curiosity, and take the first step into a world where history, myth, and imagination collide. The adventure awaits, and it beckons you to join the dance. 

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