#baggagepro – What to do when your luggage takes a trip of its own

Approx read: 4 mins

A realist’s guide to dealing with lost baggage

Follow these steps to stay prepared

In the vast, chaotic realm of air travel, where metal birds soar and humans are crammed into flying tin cans, there’s a peculiar kind of heartbreak that awaits the unsuspecting traveller. The lost luggage fiasco.

As the carousel spins and one by one your fellow passengers slip away with their cases, a cold realisation dawns: your bag, with all its precious, carefully selected contents, has embarked on a journey of its own.

Heads up – you’re now stranded in a foreign land with nothing but the clothes on your back and a sense of impending doom.

Now, before you spiral into a fit of rage or despair, take a deep breath and remember the words of the great somebody-or-other who said: ‘When the going gets tough, the tough turn pro.’ Well, right now is the time to turn pro and navigate the treacherous waters of baggage mishandling with the swagger of a seasoned expert in disaster management. Its time for #baggagepro.

Immediate action: the airport tango

First and foremost, DO NOT leave the airport. That carousel might seem like a merry-go-round of despair, but leaving its vicinity is a rookie mistake. Head straight to the airline’s baggage service office. Demand – with passion but politeness – a Property Irregularity Report (PIR). This document is your golden ticket, the proof that your bag has gone AWOL and that no one can mess with your rights. If you have cover for lost or delayed baggage, you’ll also need this document to file a claim with your travel insurance provider.

While you’re at it, get the contact details (direct dial numbers are best of course) of the person assisting you and write down the name(s) of everyone else you see at that counter. In the world of lost luggage, allies are essential. You never know when you might need to call in a favour or get an update on your bag’s wild adventures.

Compensation: the art of the deal

Airlines, those cunning rascals, always have a compensation policy for delayed baggage. It’s not much, but it’s something. They might offer you a small amount for emergency purchases or even provide an overnight kit. Remember, it’s your right. Don’t be shy to ask, and don’t let them fob you off with empty promises.

yellow #baggagepro — What to do when your luggage takes a trip of its own battleface insights battleface.com

The back-up plan: pack like a pro

Ah, foresight, the weapon of the wise and the bane of the unprepared. Before you even step onto that plane, assume the worst. Assume that your luggage will decide to take a detour to either Baku, General Santos City, Aberdeen or Suva. Pack your essentials in your carry-on: medications, important documents, a change of underwear, and a flask of something strong for those cold, bag-less nights.

And speaking of essentials, always have digital and physical copies of your documents. In the age of technology, there’s no excuse for being caught without a backup. Your electronic chargers and adaptors are right there in your hand luggage, yes?

The waiting game: patience, Grasshopper

Once you’ve done all you can at the airport, it’s a waiting game. But don’t just sit there twiddling your thumbs. Be proactive. Call the airline daily for updates. Remember the allies you made at the baggage service office? Now’s the time to call in that favour. Also, log each call you make – emails are easier to search for and written communication is important – but keeping contemporaneous notes of date, time and conversational updates make you a superhero in fighting lost luggage crime scenarios.

beach #baggagepro — What to do when your luggage takes a trip of its own battleface insights battleface.com

The worst-case scenario: when your bag is truly lost

After 21 days, if your bag is still gallivanting around the world without you, it’s officially considered lost. It’s time to whisper ‘Sayonara, baby’ to your favourite Samsonite and all the memories you shared. Sure, it’s going to be a hard pill to swallow but swallow it you must. Now, it’s time to claim compensation.

All reputable airlines – and you should check that yours is before you step onboard – are bound by the Montreal Convention, which stipulates a maximum liability of around 1,131 Special Drawing Rights (a fancy term for international money) per passenger for checked baggage. It’s not a king’s ransom, but it’s something, and lets face it. You’re owed!

The Adventurer’s Way: embrace the madness

As is often said in the big leagues of pro-travellers, ‘Buy the ticket, take the ride.’ Sometimes, the ride involves lost luggage, wild goose chases, and a deep dive into the absurdity of modern air travel. Embrace it. Let it be a story, a wild tale to regale friends with at parties. Take the facts and the problems and all the phone calls, bureaucracy, and hassle, embellish them by a factor of how many drinks you’ve had at the party. ‘After all,’ you tell your friends, ‘Isn’t life just a series of bizarre adventures?’

In conclusion

Lost luggage is a rite of passage for the seasoned traveller. It’s a test of patience, wit, and resilience. But with a little preparation, a lot of persistence, and a bit of good old-fashioned spirit, you can navigate this challenge like a pro. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, your bag will return to you one fine day with incredible, adventurous tales of its own.

Safe travels, fellow wanderer. And remember, always pack a spare pair of socks.


Lose the luggage, ladies!