Am I eligible for battleface insurance?
This plan is not available for travelers over age 85. The main applicant must be 18 or older to apply for insurance. A parent or other legal custodian must apply for coverage for a minor under 18. Children under the age of 18 may be covered as additional travelers. If the child is not yet […]
Can I use battleface for travel within the United States?
Yes, battleface plans cover both domestic and international trips. For domestic travel, you must be traveling at least one hundred (100) miles from your primary residence.
“Here’s my situation…will it be covered?”
It’s hard for us to give definitive answers to hypothetical situations because one small detail in the situation can change everything. That said, we’ll do our best to answer your questions, or at least help you understand the policy language and how it might apply to various situations.
How does the claim process work, and what can I do to help with the processing of my claim?
Filing a claim starts with completing a claim form. The claim form is a questionnaire meant to help you achieve the following: Inform us about the incident that caused your claim Specify the financial loss you want reimbursed Supply evidence of the incident to support your claim Once submitted, your claim is promptly assessed by […]
What should I do if my travel dates or trip cost change?
Contact our team via +1 (855) 998 2928 or email as soon as you know about these changes – we can quickly and easily update your policy.
What if my flight is cancelled?
Oftentimes if the cancellation is due to problems with the airline, such as staffing shortages, they are responsible for rebooking you and covering any expenses you incur. If it’s due to something like a hurricane, there could be coverage under Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Trip Delay or even Missed Connection. Your best bet is to […]
What should I do if my flight is delayed?
The best answer we can give you is “it depends” — when the delay occurs during your trip, how long the delay is, and why you were delayed. Different coverages could apply, and there may be different covered reasons and time frames for each coverage. We recommend that you document as much as possible. This […]
What is Cancel For Any Reason?
Cancel For Any Reason provides complete flexibility that truly allows you to cancel for any reason, even one not covered under Trip Cancellation. This benefit is sold as an add-on to your chosen trip cancellation benefit. The limit of coverage is 75% (or 50% if you reside in FL) of your original trip cost. You […]
When does my coverage begin and end for Trip Cancellation? How about Trip Interruption?
Trip Cancellation coverage starts at 12:01 AM the day after you purchase your policy and ends the earlier of: when you cancel your trip, or at 11:59 PM the day before your scheduled departure date. Trip Interruption coverage begins on the later of: 12:01 AM on your scheduled departure date, or the date and time you start the trip. […]
How should I split up the trip cost for multiple people traveling together?
We recommend, as much as possible, that you enter the exact trip cost for each person. This can prevent problems at claim time. For a family traveling together, you may split the cost evenly among all parties, especially if you are traveling with minor children. Even in that scenario, we’d recommend entering exact trip costs […]