Are there any exclusions?
Travel insurance doesn’t cover everything. It is designed to provide coverage for unforeseeable circumstances. The information we provide here is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and termination provisions of the policies described. Coverage may not be the same or available for residents of all states. For a full […]
Does battleface cover business trips?
Yes, you can take out our travel insurance policy for both business and leisure trips.You will need to select the business cover extension to see the additional benefits available.
Does travel insurance cover COVID quarantine?
If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and required to quarantine, you may have coverage under your policy. If you contract COVID-19 in your destination, Medical Expense coverage may cover additional expenses you incur. If you contract COVID-19 before your trip (and after you’ve purchased your policy), you may be covered under Trip Cancellation benefits. Note […]
Do you cover COVID testing?
If you contract COVID-19 while travelling and require medical treatment (including testing) during your trip, it would be covered if you have Travel Medical Expense coverage. However, routine testing required to enter or leave another state or country is not covered under your policy.
Does battleface cover for COVID-19?
Yes, our benefits include cover for cancellation*, curtailment/interruption, quarantine and medical expenses caused by or resulting from COVID-19 for travellers up to and including age 65. All other benefits remain available as standard for travellers aged one month or over on the date of travel and 79 years or under when the trip, for which […]