Are there any exclusions?
Travel protection doesn’t cover everything. It is designed to provide coverage for unforeseeable circumstances. The information we provide is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and termination provisions of the plans described. Coverage may not be the same or available for residents of all states. For a full description […]
Does battleface cover business trips?
Yes, you can take out a travel protection plan for both business trips and leisure vacations.
Does battleface cover cruises?
Yes, you can take out a travel protection plan for a cruise vacation. Cruise vacations can be expensive, and generally require large up-front deposits, plus, have stringent cancellation penalties.
Am I eligible for battleface travel protection?
Our plans are not available for travelers over age 85. The main applicant must be 18 or older to apply for a plan. A parent or other legal custodian must apply on behalf of a minor under 18. Children under the age of 18 may be covered as additional travelers. If the child is not […]
Can I use battleface for travel within the United States?
Yes, battleface plans cover both domestic and international trips. For domestic travel, you must be traveling at least one hundred (100) miles from your primary residence.
Am I able to cancel or interrupt a trip if I or my traveling companion test positive for COVID-19?
As stated above, COVID-19 is treated the same as any other sickness. Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverages require that the sickness be so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel their covered trip, and which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a physician at the time of loss. There must […]
Does travel protection cover COVID quarantine?
If you contract COVID-19 or other contagious diseases while traveling and are required to quarantine by local authorities, Trip Delay coverage may cover additional expenses incurred such as a hotel room and meals. Not all plans include Trip Delay, so make sure you understand which benefits are selected or included in your plan. Note that […]
Do you cover COVID testing?
If you contract COVID-19 while traveling and require medical treatment (including testing) during your trip, it would be covered if you have Travel Medical Expense coverage. However, routine testing required to enter or leave another state or country is not covered under your plan.
Does battleface travel protection cover COVID-19?
As of May 11, 2023, both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) have declared that the COVID-19 virus no longer constitutes a public health emergency. Therefore, for battleface plans purchased on or after that date, sickness due to COVID-19 will be treated the same as any other disease. Depending on […]