What is the difference between the Scout and Discovery travel insurance plans?
If you’ve made it this far on the Scout travel insurance page, you know by now this is battleface’s new single trip policy for US residents that comes with our most popular pre-selected benefits with limited add-ons and upgrade options. This plan was designed with travelers best interests in mind based on years of research. […]
How much does this travel insurance cost?
The cost of Scout travel insurance depends on several different factors. The top three factors of cost are: your trip cost (you should include all non-refundable, prepaid expenses), and the ages and number of travelers covered on the policy. Trip length is not an issue, as the Scout plan provides coverage for trips up to […]
What is the maximum covered trip length for any one trip during the Multi-Trip Annual plan?
The maximum covered length for any one trip is 40 days. Any trip greater than 40 days would not be considered a “covered trip” as defined by the policy, and thus would not be covered. For example, if you are on a 60-day trip, you could not opt to have coverage for only 40 days […]
Can I purchase both a Multi-Trip Annual plan and a Single-trip Discovery plan to cover the same trip?
We don’t recommend it. It’s more cost-effective for you to select one plan or the other. It’s important to evaluate your travel plans for the year before taking an annual plan. If you did not initially anticipate taking a single trip with a value greater than $5,000, you would benefit from also taking a single […]
What if I think I might be taking one or more trips with a value greater than $5,000?
We would encourage you to purchase a single-trip Discovery plan, instead of the Multi-Trip Annual plan, to ensure you have enough coverage in the event you need to cancel or interrupt your trip.
I notice that the maximum Trip Cancellation limit for the Multi-Trip Annual plan is $5,000. Is that per-trip, or for the entire year?
The limits shown for the Multi-Trip Annual plan are the aggregate maximum limits for the plan year.
If I want to take a space flight in the next few years, what should I be thinking about with regards to my travel protection plan?
With space tourism in its infancy, the risk perception is high. Earth-based adventure activities have a known risk frequency, amassed by the millions of thrill seekers who have taken part and the small percentage who have, unfortunately, been injured or worse. Those statistics are not yet available for such a new risk so rating is […]
How different is it to buy a plan for space travel versus, say, rock-climbing or scuba diving or bungee jumping?
Adventurers thinking about space travel need to consider the personal risk: temporary or permanent disablement, medical expenses, death. They should examine the booking conditions closely to see what the cancellation conditions are, both ways, and what liability the operator has in the unlikely event of an incident. At battleface, we believe that travel is unique […]
As a passenger on a spacecraft, what kind of insurance am I buying that I don’t already have through life insurance and health insurance?
Most insurances will void coverage if you are undertaking a more hazardous activity than that contemplated and declared on the application. battleface Space Travel insurance has been negotiated with certain underwriters at Lloyd’s of London to cover these short period, high hazard risks. In general, travel protection is important especially if the plan was specifically […]
How much does it cost?
Currently, there are several things to consider when looking at costs for civilian space travel protection. Age and health status of the traveler, the type of coverage being requested, and details of the trip – distance into space, the duration of the flight, and what type of space craft will be used. When evaluating a […]